Home trends for 2023 to make the most of your staircase and surrounding area

Home trends for 2023 to make the most of your staircase and surrounding area

The new year brings fresh ideas to everyone’s life. But your resolutions don’t just have to focus your energy on your mind and body. Use the new year to show your home some love by keeping up with the latest fashions.

We’ve compiled the very latest trends for the next 12 months to see how they can help you to transform your staircase and the areas around it.

Consider the environment

Sustainability will continue to be a buzzword in 2023. We all know we need to make changes to help the planet – and that includes making changes to the look in your home.

Materials like bamboo and cork will be very popular this year, so could form part of your staircase décor, on windowsills and landings. Woods like white ash, oak and pine are considered to be sustainable materials, while aluminium can be recycled endlessly. Check out our range of materials on offer.  

Be flawsome

Going further than just using sustainable materials, we’re encouraged to embrace the things in our homes which might not be perfect – or a bit flawed. Reduce, reuse, and recycle is the mantra many will be going by this year, with second-hand items becoming increasingly fashionable. So, if your staircase has imperfections, make the most out of it and welcome its new-found character. Though it’s important to make sure your staircase is always safe – check out our blog about the tell-tale signs your staircase needs updating.

Home trends for 2023 to make the most of your staircase and surrounding area

Home trends for 2023 to make the most of your staircase and surrounding area

All at sea

Calming colours like blues and greens will play a big part in 2023, with mindfulness still high on everyone’s personal wellness agenda. But joining big block colours and bold patterns on trend will be wavy stripes, which represent the relaxing notion of being on a beach watching the waves gently break ashore. It might be time to invest in some new paint or wallpaper for the areas around your staircase. Decorative borders are also likely to be back on trend this year.

Pack a punch

Everyone’s different, so if you’re looking for an alternative to calm and relaxing, we might have the answer. Big, brash, and bold oranges look set to be popular this year too. Bright colours like this will add a bit of personality to your staircase, maybe as a set of new curtains or blinds, or even as furniture items in your hallway or landing. Or perhaps just a small pot for your window sill plant. Take a look at our blog about using contrasting colours to make your staircase pop.

Go old-school

The trendsetters at Pinterest have crunched the numbers and if online searches are to go by, incorporating antique and vintage items into your décor will be a big hit in 2023. Searches for ‘interior vintage design’ have increased by 850% recently, with experts predicting styles that mix modern and antique furniture will be very fashionable over the next 12 months.